Development of vasculitis registry in Poland as a part of the collaborative network to establish European vasculitis registry

Wykładowcy / Presenters

Neil Basu
Raashid Luqmani

Raashid Luqmani is a professor of rheumatology in Oxford University, UK. His main research interest is in clinical evaluation and outcomes of patients with systemic vasculitis. He has developed and validated standardized instruments for clinical assessment of vasculitis. He isi a chief investigator for two large multi-centre collaborative studies: 1) the evaluation of ultrasound compared to biopsy as a diagnostic test in giant cell arteritis (TABUL) and 2) development of EULAR/ACR diagnostic and classification criteria in vasculitis (DCVAS).

Mark Little

Mark Little is a professor of nephrology in Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland with a special interest in renal inflammation and vasculitis. Among his many scientific endavours is development of national and international clinical data sets linked to bio-repositories. Central to this effort is the UK&Ireland Vasculitis Registry (UKIVAS), which he is a co-founder of. He is also committed to collaboration with the European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS) clinical investigation group and the European Vasculitis Genetics Consortium with respect to clinical trials and large scale genetics studies.

Julia Holle

1993-2000 Studies of Medicine, Uiversity of Kiel

2000-2001 Junior Registrar Dept. of Rheumatology, University of Lübeck and Klinikum Bad Bramstedt, Germany

02/2002 Doctor`s degree, University of Kiel

2002-2003 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Birmingham, Dept. of Renal Immunobiology (Head: Prof. C.O. Savage)

2004-01/2008 Senior Registrar, University of Lübeck and Klinikum Bad Bramstedt, Germany

01/2008 Specialisation in Internal Medicine, 12/2008 Sepcialisation in Rheumatology

since 02/2008 Consultant Rheumatologist Dept. of Rheumatology, Klinikum Bad Bramstedt, Germany

07/2011 Habilitation.

Vladimir Tesař (Prague, Czech Republic)
Zdenka Hrušková Vladimir Tesař (Prague, Czech Republic)
Cristina Ponte (Lisbona, Portugal)
Loic Guillevin (Paris, France)