The 4th International Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy Congress (CPP2016)


Paragon Group
18 Avenue Louis-Casai
1209 Geneva
tel. +41 22 5330 948

Termin i miejsce

27.02.2016 − 01.03.2016 − Rio All Suites Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas,


Przewodniczący komitetu organizacyjnego:
Professor Uri Elkayam, Congress Chairman


Paragon Group
18 Avenue Louis-Casai, 1209 Geneva
tel. +41 22 5330 948


Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP) 2010 was the first international congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy which took place in Valencia Spain on February 2010. The second congress that followed took place in Berlin, Germany on May 2012. The third congress took place in Venice Italy on February 2014.

The congresses covered a wide range of topics related to maternal and fetal pregnancy associated cardiovascular conditions and was attended by 400-450 participants including many of the leaders in the field. There was an enthusiastic response to the meetings and a general agreement that they have upgraded our knowledge and cooperation.

The goals of “The Fourth International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy (CPP) 2016″ are to continue advancing the knowledge and expertise of health care professionals around the globe by exchange of information, including unique clinical cases and debates, development of collaborative research both basic and clinical, discuss, adopt and upgrade recent guidelines for the management of cardiovascular conditions during pregnancy and the post partal period. The program will include invited lectures, workshops as well as original oral and poster presentations, clinical cases and debates which will cover a wide spectrum of topics in all disciplines related to pregnancy associated cardiovascular conditions.


Kardiochirurgia, Kardiologia, Kardiologia dziecięca