2nd International Meeting on MRKH Syndrome


e-mail: meeting@chcemybycrodzicami.pl
strona www: www.mrkhmeeting.com

Termin i miejsce

26−29.05.2016 − Ogrodowa 58, Ogrodowa 58, 00-876


Chcemy Być Rodzicami
Puławska 228, 02-670 Warszawa
e-mail: meeting@chcemybycrodzicami.pl


On behalf of the Organizing Committee I am pleased to invite you to the 2nd International Meeting on MRKH Syndrome scheduled to be held between the 26th and 29th of May 2016, in Warsaw, Poland. This Meeting will be a joint effort of “We want to become parents” Magazine, Polish MRKH Initiative and our partner organizations from academia, healthcare sector and NGOs.

Purpose of the Meeting is to share knowledge on multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of MRKH syndrome.
The themes of the Meeting will be on the following topics:
fertility options including surrogacy and uterus transplantation
surgical and non-surgical management of vaginal agenesis
differential diagnosis
referral centers
psychosocial aspects.

Please see the attached scientific program and visit our website www.mrkhmeeting.com and FB: https://www.facebook.com/2ndmrkhmeeting/


Endokrynologia ginekologiczna i rozrodczość, Ginekologia dziecięca, Położnictwo i ginekologia, Transplantologia kliniczna