Endocrinology Meets Cancer Endocrine Cancer Workshop


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Termin i miejsce

02−03.05.2014 − Centrum Onkologii - Instytut im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Wybrzeże Armii Krajowej 15, 44-101 Gliwice, woj. śląskie


ul. Jesionowa 22, 40-158 Katowice
tel. +48 32 253 00 69
e-mail: biuro@kongresy.com.pl


About Workshop

Dear Colleagues,
I am happy to invite you to Gliwice, Poland where on May 2-3, 2014 my colleagues and I will organize Endocrine Cancer Workshop called “Endocrinology Meets Cancer”. This educational event will be held as a satellite meeting of the 16th European Congress of Endocrinology which will take place in Wroclaw on 3-7 May, 2014. Please note that on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 we organize transfer from Gliwice to Wroclaw.
The Workshop will be organized under auspices of Clinical Committee of European Society of Endocrinology and in close cooperation with European Society of Endocrinology, European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society, European Network for the Study of Adrenal Tumors and European Thyroid Association – Cancer Research Network, whose profile is focused on thyroid cancer, adrenal cancer or neuroendocrine cancer.
As Workshop begins at 9 am we encourage you to arrive to Gliwice on May 1st , in the evening.
Rooms in hotel are already booked for you.
Our goal is to join strengths to defeat cancer. We expect that participants of Workshop will provide difficult clinical cases, which could be put up for discussion. Clinical cases will be the subject of poster session and then will be published in book “Endocrine cancer: cases” completed with expert commentaries. Important: due to the preparation of book we ask to prepare case presentations and submit them electronically until April 15, 2014 to the e-mail address: ewilk@io.gliwice.pl . Deadline for abstracts is April 1, 2014.

POSTERS ON ENDOCRINE CANCERS ARE INVITED for publication in Book “Endocrine Cancer: cases”
Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch is the oldest and most experienced center of thyroid cancer treatment in Poland. Presently, we are expanding our experience to treatment of adrenal and neuroendocrine cancer patients.

We invite you to the Meeting and discussion and hope to see many of you in Gliwice !

Barbara Jarzab,
President of Scientific Committee


Endokrynologia, Onkologia kliniczna