112 Seminarium Międzynarodowego Centrum Biocybernetyki "The Motor Unit. Development, Disorders and Diagnosis"


Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej im. Macieja Nałęcza PAN
Księcia Trojdena 4
02-109 Warszawa
tel. 22 658 28 77
strona www: www.ibib.waw.pl

Termin i miejsce

15.05.2011 − 18.04.2011 − Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej im. Macieja Nałęcza PAN, Księcia Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warszawa, woj. mazowieckie


Przewodniczący komitetu organizacyjnego:
Ewa Zalewska
Przewodniczący komitetu naukowego:
Alan McComas, Irena Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz, Ewa Zalewska


Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej im. Macieja Nałęcza PAN
Księcia Trojdena 4, 02-109 Warszawa
tel. 22 658 28 77


Sunday, May 15 2011
Evening. Reception

Monday, May 16 2011
Motor Units and Development I (Chairs: Irena Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz & Gerta Vrbova)
8:20 -Jan Wojcicki (Warsaw, Poland) - Welcome
-Alan McComas (Hamilton, Canada) - Historical aspects and overview
-Andrew Fuglevand (Tucson, USA) - Motor unit types and activities
-Sarah Guthrie (London, UK) - Motoneuron development
10:20 -Coffee break

Motor Units and Development II (Chairs: Sarah Guthrie & Piotr Krutki)
10:40 -Michael Rudnicki (Ottawa, Canada) - Molecular regulation of muscle stem cell function
-Veit Witzemann (Heidelberg, Germany) - The neuromuscular junction: selective remodelling of acetylcholine receptors at the nerve/muscle interface
-Urszula Slawinska, Anna Cabaj & Gerta Vrbova (Warsaw, Poland & London, UK) -The role of glutaminergic activity in motor unit survival in developing rats
12:40 Lunch

Motor Unit Disorders: Aging (Chairs: Jan Celichowski & Michael Rudnicki)
14: 00 -Alan McComas and Anthony Vandervoort (Hamilton & London, Canada) - Pathophysiology of the aging neuromuscular system
-Gary Coulton (London, UK) - Molecular biology of neuromuscular aging
15:20 Tea break
Special Lecture Chair: Roberto Sica)
15:40 Gerta Vrbova (London, UK) - Replacement of missing motoneurons by embryonic grafts
16:20 Round Table Discussion (Chairs: Veit Witzemann & Gary Coulton)
17:00 Close

Tuesday, May 17 2011
Motor Unit Disorders: ALS, SMA and Muscular Dystrophy (Chairs: Ewa Zalewska & Andrew Fuglevand)
08:20 Roberto Sica (Buenos Aires, Argentina) - Clinical and laboratory findings in sporadic ALS
-Irena Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz (Warsaw, Poland) - Spinal muscular atrophy
- Alison Blain, Elizabeth Greally, Guy MacGowan & Volker Straub (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) - Animal models of muscular dystrophy, with special reference to the mdx mouse
10:20 Coffee break

Aspects of Motor Unit Function I (Chairs: Urszula Slawinska & Adrian Upton)
10:40 Andrew Fuglevand (Tucson, USA) - Corticospinal projections to motoneurons supplying hand muscles
-Maria Piotrkiewicz, Lydia Kudina, Jia-Jin Chen & Irena Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz (Warsaw, Poland) - Human motoneuron afterhyperpolarization in health and disease
-Jan Celichowski (Poznan, Poland) - Plasticity of motor unit contractile properties
12:40 Lunch

Aspects of Motor Unit Function II (Chairs: Alison Blain & Barbara Emeryk-Szajewska)
14:00Piotr Krutki (Poznan, Poland) - Motor unit contractions evoked by stimulation with variable pulse intervals
- Alan McComas, Hubert deBruin, Winnie Fu & Victoria Galea (Hamilton, Canada) -Inputs and outputs of human motoneurons
15:20Tea break

Aspects of Motor Unit Function III (Chairs: Maria Piotrkiewicz)
15:40 Ewa Zalewska (Warsaw, Poland) - Correlating electrophysiology with pathology
-Gary Coulton (London, UK) - Special Lecture: Muscle cells as secretors
17:00 Close

Wednesday, May 18 2011
Electrodiagnosis of Motor Unit Disorders I (Chairs: Joe Jabre & Hans van Dijk)
08:20Erik Stalberg (Uppsala, Sweden) - Multiple approaches to EMG quantitation
-Jerzy Kopec & Barbara Emeryk-Szajewska (Warsaw, Poland) - Clinical use of fully automatic quantitative EMG in the evaluation of the motor unit
-Dick Stegeman and Hans van Dijk (Nijmegen & Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Principles of high-density surface EMG
10:20Coffee break

Electrodiagnosis of Motor Unit Disorders II (Chairs: Erik Stalberg & Dick Stegeman)
10:40 Hans van Dijk & Dick Stegeman (Nijmegen & Amsterdam, Netherlands) - Clinical applications of high-density surface EMG


Anestezjologia i intensywna terapia, Chirurgia ogólna, Choroby wewnętrzne, Medycyna rodzinna, Neurologia, Ortopedia i traumatologia

Dodatkowe informacje

Wpisowe : 250 zł, obejmuje:
- uczestnictwo w sesjach naukowych
- przerwy kawowe i obiady
- udział w recepcji Get Together dnia 15.05.2011 wieczorem